Our Affiliates
Payment Assist
Got a huge repair bill?
We offer Pay Assist which is a totally interest free payment plan with a finance company. No credit check under £1000, just 4 monthly equal payments. Eg: £600 bill, you pay £150 on completion and 3 monthly payments of £150! The only things you need is for the card that the payment is coming out of and the log book to both be in the same name and address. This applies to ANY repair over £150. If interested, please contact us.
Direct Accident Management
Proud to be associated with Direct Accident Management.
For all NON FAULT accidents.
Direct Accident will deal with the initial claim:
Repair estimates and Inspection;
Car Hire until the repair is complete;
And any/all repairs required.
If your car is a total write off Direct Accident can offer the best possible price for your damaged vehicle, and Car Hire to cover you until your payment has cleared.
Direct Accident will also dispose of your old vehicle if needed.
We provide repair and inspection services on request by Direct Accident.
Please visit their site by clicking on their logo.